Fireplaces Sedgefield

Sedgefield Fireplace Installation & Repair

Fireplace Fitter Sedgefield County Durham (TS21): Opening up an old fireplace or installing a new one is a splendid way to add a touch of character to any room in your house in Sedgefield. Not only can you enjoy the warmth and ambience of an open fire through the frosty winter days, but if you add a back boiler to your new fireplace, you will also be provided with an adequate supply of hot water.

Sedgefield Fireplace Quotes

But before you begin knocking down the walls of a blocked up fireplace there are some vital considerations you must bear in mind to achieve a safe and efficient fireplace. Any heat producing appliance installed in residential homes in Sedgefield must follow Part J of the UK's buildings regs, and this covers chimney breasts, flue linings, hearths and fireplaces. Planning permission may also be needed before work begins if your property is in a conservation area or is a listed building.

Fireplaces in Sedgefield County Durham


If you've got the ability to do so, and are an enthusiastic and competent DIY-er you might be able to do some of the work in renovating an existing fireplace, but professional help might be needed if structural problems arise during the process. If you are lucky when you open up a stopped up fireplace you might find a decent chimney breast, lintel and hearth that involves nothing other than the services and advice of a chimney sweep to get it ready for a fire once more. However, a stopped up flue and old brickwork that needs to be reinforced structurally is what you are most likely to find.

If your property in Sedgefield has a fireplace installed and it's not put in correctly, there's not just a fire risk, but also of respiratory health problems. Therefore, using a specialist fireplace fitter is widely recommended. According to the Building Regulations, a room that has a fireplace installed in it must have ample airflow and oxygen for the fire to burn safely. A deficiency of oxygen means the fire will not burn properly, and carbon monoxide could accumulate, which can lead to death.

It could be necessary to install airflow vents in walls and floors to allow the fire to receive ample oxygen to burn safely and effectively all the time. To improve airflow in blocked chimney flues, the fireplace installation technician might also have to fit some flue vents to prevent condensed air being trapped and causing stains and damp patches.

Fireplace Installation Sedgefield


Chimney breasts are renowned for the volume of soot and muck that can accumulate inside of them, therefore when you set out to open up a fireplace for renovation you should assume that it will be a pretty messy undertaking. It is advisable to remove any carpets, furniture and rugs from a room where you're going to open up an old fireplace, to prevent them from being affected by soot, dust and dirt that may be disturbed during the fireplace installation work. If it's just a part of a larger home restoration project, the opening up of an old fireplace should be one of the initial things that you tackle, because of the mess that's involved. This should help to prevent any harm by soot and dirt to any previously completed restoration work.


With your fireplace uncovered, it's time to determine what is in a fit state to be renovated and give the chimney and hearth an intensive cleaning. This would be the ideal time to get in touch with a local Sedgefield chimney sweep to find out whether they are able to come and have a look at your fireplace and chimney. After cleaning and sweeping, they will offer specialist advice on what sort of state the flue liner and chimney structure is in, and tell you whether there are elements that need to be replaced.

Quotes For Fireplaces Sedgefield County Durham

All the relevant UK Building Regulations must be complied with, if you need to install a new flue liner or strengthen the chimney. Experience in good working practices and an understanding of the Building Regulations will be required by anybody who does this type of construction work, so you really need a skilled builder or fireplace installer and shouldn't try to do this yourself.

The installation, upgrade and repair of the fireplace hearth can go ahead as soon as the lintel is in position. In past days the hearth would be set into the floor, however the current UK Building Regulations demand that it is raised above normal floor level. You could ask your Sedgefield fireplace builder about a bespoke, tailor-made hearth that will fit in with the design and style of your house, or if your fireplace is of a standard size, there's a wide array of pre-formed options in marble, concrete and stone.

Fireplace Fitter Near Sedgefield County Durham


Deciding on your choice of fireplace can be challenging when faced with the different shapes, sizes and designs that are available from a fireplace showroom or online store. It's entirely possible that owing to your current flue, chimney and airflow to the room, that some fireplace designs may not be suitable, therefore it's a good idea to follow the advice of your fireplace installer with respect to this.

Whether you go for an open fireplace, a wood burner or a multi-fuel stove will depend on the all round style you are seeking to establish, your current decor and in some cases, your property's age. As an example, an inglenook fireplace can be a perfect backdrop for a traditional cast iron wood burning stove, which highlights its charm and deflects the heat into the room.

For properties in Sedgefield that don't have a chimney, a wood burner is an excellent alternative. It's possible to take a flue directly from the top or rear of the stove and out through an external wall, therefore an existing chimney isn't needed.


If your circumstances don't allow for a natural fireplace, what are the possible options?

Fireplace Fitters Sedgefield

Wood Burning Stoves - Even the smallest room in Sedgefield can be improved by the fitting of a wood burner, which can be found in an array of styles, and, if necessary, can even be fitted as a freestanding feature. An integrated back boiler is an additional benefit and can provide piping hot water for use around the home, or for heating in another area via a radiator.

Electric Fireplaces - A wide variety of electric fires to complement any property in Sedgefield, can easily be fitted by anybody who is reasonable competent. They can be set into traditional fireplaces, and with "real feel" electric fires it can often be difficult to distinguish them from the genuine article.

Multi-Fuel Stoves - Multi-fuel stoves can be used with a variety of fuels, including gas, coal, wood or oil, to establish an eye-catching focal point in your home in Sedgefield. The AGA range is well known as being capable of providing heat for the entire home, a constant supply of hot water and an oven and hob for cooking all in one single appliance.

Open Fireplaces - The traditional fireplace that can be used with different fuels such as coal, briquettes, wood and other burnable materials. Contemporary fireplaces are not the inefficient, smoky and draughty features that they were previously, and an open fire creates a cosy and warm atmosphere for the enjoyment of its occupants.

Gas Fireplaces - Delivering instant heat and more thermally efficient than open fireplaces, there are a wide range of designs and styles to suit any type of Sedgefield home. The maintenance and installation of gas fires should only be carried out by a certified Gas Safe tradesman in Sedgefield.

Sedgefield Fireplace Builder Quotes

It isn't just in Sedgefield where you're able to access fireplace fitters - surrounding areas like: Fishburn, Trimdon, Bishop Middleton, Wynard, Cornforth, Rushyford, Thorpe Thewles, Bradbury, Thorpe Larches, Stillington can normally also be covered. It is very likely that any fireplace builders from the Sedgefield district is going to have the postcode TS21 and the telephone dialling code 01740. You can just click the "quote" banner to get more details on the installation of fireplaces in the surrounding areas.

Fireplace Inserts Sedgefield

For those seeking to modernize their traditional fireplaces, fireplace inserts are a frequently chosen solution. To enhance fireplace efficiency, these inserts have been devised to direct more heat into the room and reduce heat loss. Enjoying the warmth and atmosphere of a fire is made easier and safer with these inserts, removing the mess and inconvenience of traditional wood-burning fireplaces.

There is an extensive range of styles and sizes to choose from for fireplace inserts, including electric, gas and wood-burning models. Gas fireplace inserts provide an effortless and low-maintenance solution, while electric inserts offer convenience and flexibility with their adjustable settings and remote control. Wood-burning inserts are the perfect option for homeowners who cherish the authentic experience of a crackling fire and the scent of burning wood.

In addition to being efficient and convenient, fireplace inserts are also eco-friendly. By producing fewer emissions and burning fuel more efficiently, they mitigate the air pollution caused by traditional fireplaces.

For a correct and safe installation of a fireplace insert, it is important to have it professionally installed. Fireplace inserts are a wise investment for householders looking to increase the comfort, convenience, and value of their home, thanks to their numerous benefits. It is important to consider the possibility of different venting options being required for various types of fireplace inserts. Householders should seek the advice of a professional to ensure proper installation and safety, as well as to determine the best venting system for their specific fireplace insert.

Fireplace Installers Sedgefield

The job of maintaining and installing fireplaces is carried out by professionals known as fireplace installers. Professionals with a skillset in fireplace installation and repair can work on different fireplace styles, such as wood-burning, electric and gas fireplaces. Often, these professionals find work with construction companies or fireplace manufacturers, although some may work on their own.

Installing a fireplace involves meticulous planning, preparation, and execution. Fireplace installers must be conversant with local building regulations and codes to ensure that the installation complies with all relevant standards and is safe. Familiarity with the materials and tools required for the work is also essential.

The maintenance of fireplaces is another service that fireplace installers offer to make certain that they are in good working condition. Chimney cleaning, replacement of damaged parts, and inspection for potential safety hazards are among the maintenance services offered for fireplaces.

Extensive experience and training are prerequisites for individuals working in the specialised field of fireplace installation. All in all, fireplace installers play an important role in creating cosy and functional living areas. Fireplace installers' expertise and skill eliminate any concerns or worries householders in Sedgefield may have about enjoying the warmth and comfort of a fireplace. READ MORE HERE: FIREPLACE INSTALLERS

Brick Fireplaces Sedgefield

Brick fireplaces have been a staple in dwellings for hundreds of years, and rightly so. They not only provide warmth and comfort during cold weather but also add a classic touch to any space they are in. There are some things that you'll need to think about if you're considering installing a brick fireplace in your house in Sedgefield

First and foremost, you'll need to choose the type of fireplace you prefer. Traditional brick fireplaces normally feature a simple design with a hearth and mantel. Nevertheless, you could also go with a more contemporary design with a sleek finish and clean lines.

Brick fireplaces can be constructed from a variety of different kinds of brick, each with its own unique colour and texture. You will want to opt for a brick that matches the design of your property and fits with the overall aesthetic you are trying to create.

Lastly, consider the practical side of a brick fireplace. Make sure that your fireplace is properly vented and that you have a fully functioning chimney. If you want to use the fireplace for heating, think about adding a fireplace insert or glass doors to enhance its safety and efficiency.

A brick fireplace can be eye-catching and functional addition to your property in Sedgefield. With a bit of planning and attention to detail, you can create a centrepiece that doesn't just provide warmth but also enriches your home with charm and character.

Improve the Cost-Efficiency of Your Fireplace

The age-old open fireplace seems to have lost a certain amount of of its allure as a result of environmental worries but it's still loved by many in Sedgefield. The natural comfort of an open fireplace stimulates very special recollections for those who've got them. Having an open fireplace has its perks but there are also a few issues which could affect its performance. Due to power costs going up so quickly these days, your open fireplace should be a reliable source of heat, not one of inefficiency. When you have a fire going in the fireplace, it can literally remove warm air out from the room, making your heater work harder. The fireplace damper is meant to stop cold air from coming in to your home when you don't have a fire going in the fireplace. However, dampers are not very efficient seals, therefore all of the warm air escapes and enables cold air to come into the home.

Open Fireplaces Sedgefield

Many families that possess fireplaces in their home in Sedgefield don't realize how the fireplace can cause their energy bills to skyrocket. Rather than keeping heating charges down, it could actually do the exact reverse if one is not careful. However, there are a number of techniques you're able to do that will be able to turn your budget smashing fireplace into something much more efficient. There tend to be four simple things that you can do to change your fireplace into the cost-effective heat sourse you are looking for. You will appreciate that these guidelines will help to make your fireplace produce quality heat and your current heating bill lower.

The initial thing to do is to replace the damper with a top sealing damper. This style of damper is installed at the top of the chimney, and operates like a storm door. The top sealing damper will keep the air in the house from escaping and works incredibly well in cold and warm weather. The product is simple to install, and can be bought on the internet. Another thing that can be done would be to fit a fire-back at the rear of your fireplace. A fire-back is made of cast iron and it really is meant to protect the back wall from fire damage, whilst making your fireplace look more stylish. The fire-back absorbs the heat from a fire, and radiates the heat back inside the room, increasing the overall efficiency of the fireplace.

Another way to save money is by using a fireplace heater/fan, which heats the room by drawing the air into a chamber and recycling the air back into the room. These fireplace heaters are put in place as closed systems so they do not emit any smoke, but are effective in warming your house. Finally, you may put in glass doors which will likely be the costliest. Hunting around, you will be able to locate a good deal, and with an instruction manual, you could install them on your own. These glass doors help to keep the heat from getting away and additionally it keeps pets and young ones from getting burnt.

All these tips are simple to implement, and the products can be found on the internet. Look after your fireplace and observe your energy costs fall.

Chimney Repair

Chimney repair is an important aspect of maintaining the safety, functionality and efficiency of both commercial and home chimney systems in Sedgefield. Over the years, chimneys can be subjected to wear and tear due to exposure to weather elements, temperature fluctuations, and the by-products of combustion. These factors can lead to a number of issues that require timely and expert attention.

The chimney structure can develop cracks that necessitate chimney repair, which is certainly one of the most common problems you will encounter. Moisture penetration can be increased by these cracks, which can lead to even more damage and undermine the structural integrity of the chimney. Cracks in the chimney can also pose serious health hazards to any occupants of the building by allowing harmful gases, including carbon monoxide, to escape into the living areas.

Creosote and debris build-up in the chimney flue is another commonplace problem. The accumulation of creosote in chimneys can reduce efficiency and increase the likelihood of fires, both of which are serious hazards. Regular chimney cleaning is part of the repair process and helps to remove soot, creosote and debris, which reduces fire hazards and ensures adequate airflow. (71372 - Chimney Repairs Sedgefield)

Leave a Review for a Job Well Done

So as to obtain work and do well in business, local services and companies need to get excellent online reviews, as these are what folks in Sedgefield depend on these days to uncover businesses they can trust. If you're satisfied with the performance of somebody you've used, why don't you take some time to thank them by leaving a positive review. Sharing your first hand experience in this manner can help both the business itself and any potential clients in the future. If you studied reviews to find somebody to do your work, you'll truly appreciate how useful that process can be. Even if you'd visited a company website which appears really impressive, you might have carried on looking if they did not have good reviews and feedback.

Leaving a Review

However, when you're actually on a business's own website, how can you rely on the reviews? Are these glowing reviews composed by real customers who were happy with the services they received, or were they written by a member of the company?

Rather than trusting these, you can head over to Google My Business reviews, where you'll find more authentic and frank reviews on services and businesses in Sedgefield. This is the review website that is trusted by millions of people to establish company reputations, and can have an impact on their placement in the search engines as well. When aiming to leave reviews for local companies in Sedgefield, the second biggest review website is Bing Places for Business, which is Google My Business's leading competitor. Your review here can assist in raising the profile of the company that worked on your project and build an overall picture of their working standards and trustworthiness.

You can also post business reviews on Twitter and Facebook pages, which can often be just as effective. These social media websites will form a big part of any small business's advertising strategy. Your favourable reviews will help strengthen their marketing message and give your friends and family a starting point if you give a recommendation of service for a similar project.

Going 'old school' is naturally still appropriate, and you can prepare a hand-drafted thank you letter and post it in to the company. Such letters are still vital, even in an internet crazy world, and can be photographed in for use on business websites. It really is an incredible feeling to think that you may have helped a local small business, no matter how you created your review.

Sedgefield Fireplace Related Tasks

Fireplace Related Tasks Sedgefield

Perhaps you came here looking for basic fireplace installation, however your local Sedgefield fireplace installer can provide a large assortment of additional services, and these might include chimney sweeping, fireplace surrounds, inglenook fireplaces, fireplace services, outdoor fireplaces Sedgefield, cast fireplace installation, two-sided fireplaces, flue liners, fireplaces in Sedgefield, classic fireplaces, brick fireplaces, fire grate conversions, fireplace suites, limestone fireplace installation, gas fireplace installations, elm fireplaces Sedgefield, wood burning fireplaces, wood burning fireplace installation in Sedgefield, hearth fireplaces Sedgefield, chimney modifications Sedgefield, chimney repairs, the installation of modern fireplaces, freestanding stoves, inset stove installation, carbon monoxide detector installation in Sedgefield, open fireplaces, fireplace design, fireplacerates, marble fireplaces in Sedgefield, tiled fireplaces Sedgefield, Victorian fireplace installation Sedgefield, fireplace removal, Regency fireplaces Sedgefield, designer fireplaces Sedgefield, fireplace hearths, and others. Sedgefield providers, when asked, will be more than happy to tell you about the entire range of fireplace services which are available.

Fireplace Installation Quotes Sedgefield

Fireplace Installers Near Sedgefield

Also find: Wynard fireplace installers, Thorpe Thewles fireplace installers, Bishop Middleton fireplace installers, Thorpe Larches fireplace installers, Cornforth fireplace installers, Rushyford fireplace installers, Stillington fireplace installers, Trimdon fireplace installers, Fishburn fireplace installers, Bradbury fireplace installers and more. It is possible to get fireplaces installed in the majority of these towns and villages. These seasoned tradesmen have the experience and knowledge necessary to successfully install fireplaces in your property. These dedicated specialists can help residents experience the comfort, atmosphere and warmth that a fireplace brings to their living areas. Local residents can get fireplace installation quotations by going here. Need a new fireplace? Why not get a quote today?

For the latest local info on Sedgefield, County Durham click here

Fireplace installation in TS21 area, telephone code 01740.

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(This fireplaces Sedgefield article was generated on 20-06-2024)